Shanghai TAYOR heavy industries group won the honor at the 30th anniversary conference of China weld

In 11th September, 2017, the 30th anniversary conference of the China Welding Association and the China Welding Association equipment branch was held in Tianjin.Yansun Lu, the first and third chairman of the China Welding Association;  Delin Zhang, the second, the fourth and thefifth chairman; Lei Zou, the sixth and the seventh president; the Academician of CAS, JiLuo Pan, and ShangYang Lin, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering; Tianhu Song, head of the China Mechanical Engineering Society andother leaders and experts attended the conference. The conference summed up the successful experience of the 30th anniversary development of the association and the development process of the welding industry, and commended the high quality brand enterprises, the famous enterprises and the outstanding dedication entrepreneurs in the welding industry.


There are 10 enterprises, such as Shanghai TAYOR heavyindustry group, Tangshan Kaiyuan and Tianjin Jinqiao welding material group, won the honorary title of "China welding industry qualitybrand enterprise", and the TAYOR also won "hina welding equipmentindustry famous enterprise", and Yongqiang Chen, chairman of TAYOR, wasawarded the honorary title of "China's welding equipment industryexcellence award".

Yongqiang Chen, chairman of the president's acceptance speech:

At the 30th anniversary conference of China WeldingAssociation and the welding equipment branch of China Welding Association, thecompany has been awarded the three honorary title of "China weldingindustry quality brand enterprise", "China welding equipment industryfamous enterprise" and "China's welding equipment industry excellenceaward". I feel very honored.

The achievement of these achievements can not beseparated from the care and guidance of the leaders at all levels. It isinseparable from the help and support of families and friends. It isinseparable from the support and love of the partners and millions of users,which can not be separated from the hard work and struggle of the old and newcolleagues. On behalf of TAYOR heavy industries, I would like to take thisopportunity to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to the leaders andfriends who have long been concerned about and supported the development of the company.

At the same time, I would like to thank my mother andwife in particular. The painstaking cultivation of my mother and the quietsupport of my wife have accomplished my dedication and pursuit of career. Iwill continue to work hard, firmly believe, strive for better achievements, forall those who support and help me win glory, win glory for the company, andrealize the ideal of industry serving the country.

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